Autorkou je Hana Hlávková, která pracovala pod vedením MVDr. Tomáše Fichtela, Ph.D., na Veterinárně farmaceutické univerzitě v Brně.
Na našich stránkách uvádíme jen některé pasáže, které se týkají přímo nanokrystalického stříbra. Celá práce je k dispozici ke studiu po domluvě s autorkou, případně se školitelem, na VFU.
Závěry této práce byly potvrzeny řadou zpětných reakcí uživatelů našeho přípravku TraumaPet® oral gel Ag a stejně pozitivní reakce byly i od uživatelů zubní pasty TraumaPet® Stoma Ag.
Experimental confirmation of the efficacy of silver in veterinary preparations
The field of nanotechnology is developing dynamically and the use of nanocrystalline silver in veterinary medicine is expanding. Our study is a pilot study in the field of veterinary periodontology and opens the way for further work. Periodontitis is a very current problem in small animal practice and, together with the current antibiotic policy, requires new methods of therapy. Studies performed on a larger number of animals, ideally of the same breed or weight group and age, could confirm our results and extend them to include the effect of breed or age on periodontal healing. In clinical practice, however, the problem is to obtain a sufficient number of patients meeting the study conditions. The effect of concomitant administration of systemic antibiotics and topical application of nanocrystalline silver on the healing of periodontal defects is also an interesting topic for further work, as silver has the ability to potentiate the effect of antibiotics (Park et al. 2009). The potential ability to shorten antibiotic treatment or reduce the dose of the active agent with the same result and without the risk of resistance would be beneficial to the patient in terms of adverse effects and treatment time.
The mucoadhesive gel with nanocrystalline silver has proven its worth in the treatment of periodontitis. Precise treatment of the periodontium under general anaesthesia remains essential. Follow-up care at home also plays a very important role. For the first few days after treatment, the oral cavity can be irritated, which is why brushing is sometimes problematic. For this period, a gel with nanocrystalline silver applied with the finger to the crowns of the teeth and gums is ideal. It has a healing effect and soothes inflamed gums, so that after a short time it is possible to accustom the dog to daily brushing.
This professional paper deals with the healing of periodontal defects and the use of nanocrystalline silver after professional treatment. The basis of periodontitis therapy is conservative periodontal treatment, during which tartar and plaque are removed. Plaque bacteria are the causative agent of the disease, therefore prevention and prevention of the formation or disruption of the biofilm present is necessary. The macroorganism reacts to the bacteria and as a result of the immune response, periodontal tissues are destroyed and defects are formed. This is why antibacterial and antiinflammatory agents are effective in the treatment of periodontitis.
Nanocrystalline silver is a new substance also used in veterinary medicine. The development of nanotechnology has made it possible to exploit the antiviral, antifungal, antibacterial and antiinflammatory properties of AgNPs. In addition, silver particles of 10-100 nm in size act not only on free bacteria but also on biofilms, which are much more resistant, and also potentiate the effects of antibiotics.
Based on this knowledge, a mucoadhesive gel with nanocrystalline silver was prepared that guarantees adhesion even to moist gums for at least two hours. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy of the gel. The study involved 16 dogs after periodontal treatment at the Clinic of Diseases of Dogs and Cats, VFU Brno. The gel was applied twice daily to two canines and the remaining two canines formed the control group. Periodontal pocket depth values of all four teeth were recorded on the day of professional treatment and one week after. After determining that there was no significant difference between the defect depths on each tooth on day 0, a paired t-test was used to evaluate the difference between the values on the day of professional treatment and on day 7. During the week, healing of all periodontal pockets occurred, but was significantly greater (P<0.001) in the teeth treated with nanocrystalline silver than in the control teeth (P=0.028 and P=0.006, respectively). This confirmed the assumption that the gel with nanocrystalline silver has a positive effect on the healing of periodontal pockets and is suitable for the treatment of periodontitis after conservative treatment.
The aim of this study was to verify the efficacy of nanocrystalline silver in healing periodontal pockets. The application of nanocrystalline silver gel was performed after professional treatment of periodontal pockets and lasted for seven days. At the follow-up after one week, periodontal defect values were compared on day 0 and day 7 on two canines treated with nanocrystalline silver and on two canines left without application. At the beginning of the study, after conservative periodontal treatment, there was no statistically significant difference between the treatment and control groups. After one week, healing of the periodontal pockets occurred in all four teeth studied, but the change was highly significant (P<0.001) in the group treated with the nanocrystalline silver gel, whereas it was not significant in the control group (P=0.028 and P=0.006, respectively).
Based on our study, we can say that gel with nanocrystalline silver has a positive effect on the healing of periodontal pockets and can be recommended as a suitable home care product after professional periodontal treatment.